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YES!'s feeding program

Dear Donors, Supporters, and Prayer warriors:

Thank you!! I want to start by saying Thank You. We are blessed, chosen, important, loved, appreciated, significant, valued, and outstanding in the sight of God!

I speak out on behalf of the entire team of YES! when I say, “Thank you” to you for the YES!'s feeding program, we mean it. We are praising the Lord for our team’s time, God given talents, and treasures that they are able to assist such a great cause. It is so awesome to see the completed manufacturing programs and the lives impacted by the endeavors of YES! either in the Mentoring Program or the Feeding Program. By your great donation, we are so grateful that it enables the feeding program to be done in two areas/communities per month as of right now. We are feeding 20 to 25 kids in each area. We would love if it is God's will to help feed more hungry sweet kids. This program benefits children in the community to know about Jesus, make them aware of the truth, that they are child of the highest, work on their self-esteem, confident, self-control and build hope into their lives. Because we know that the level of hope in someone's life is more significant than any other measurements. Their life is meaningful and important in the sight of God, they must know that! As I am the VBS leader for the YES! feeding program, I realized that hope can be measured in people's life and it also can be seen. Please hear the story of our little girl Rebecca and Christy about the impact of the feeding program in their lives! Often time we do the feeding program on Thursday, but once, unexpectedly our schedule got changed, it was done on a Saturday. On this day, two of the kids, Rebecca and Christy, came to talk to me and it was my first conversation with them since the new year. I was expected to hear some great story such as: for the new year’s we went to church, getting ice cream, ate lots of chicken, etc as that's what I/we usually do for new year’s celebration. However, they told me that they regret we have not come on Thursday to do the feeding program. They meditated on the stories, the songs, and the Bible verses that they have learn from the feeding program. They also said how amazing and fun it was. And since the feeding program did not come, that they have slept on a hungry stomach for the whole day. That shocked me, for more than 5 minutes I was speechless. I was not speechless because they have spent the whole day without eating, of course that hurts me too. I was speechless because even though they did not eat and were starving or that there day wasn't fun or gone as expected, God had received glory in that day anyway. And from what they have learned to the feeding program, they praise His Holy Name. That showed me that God will always be praised by their lips in every circumstances that they might be going through in the journey of their lives.

Can you imagine how awesome God is to make you be part of a greater cause, a cause to be a game changer? Godly man, Godly woman and mostly Godly influencers in a foreign land! I remember praying that prayers when God had inspired me when he leads the idea of the Feeding Program on my heart. I remember say, "Lord, please let me not influence them to be just like me as the YES! VBS leader, give me wisdom to impact them to be better and greater influencers than me." I feel like God is wanting me to be part of a purpose that is greater than myself. Praise be to His Name alone!

When I see how the feeding program brings joy to the sadness lips, food to hungry stomachs, and words of God to desperate souls that pushes me to do further research about the statistics of how many children go to sleep on an empty stomach daily in Haiti. Here is what my research reveals: Out of the nearly 11 million people living in Haiti, more than a third are under the age of 14, 3.2 out of 5 are malnourished, 3 out of 4 Haitians lives in extreme poverty, 85% of the population are unemployed, and 3.5 out of 14 will die before reaching the age of 5. Many children in Haiti have only one meal per day, some have one meal every 2 days and some even less. The effects of chronic and acute malnutrition are lifelong. In which way would you like to help bring the Kingdom of God on earth? Erik Rees said in his book, S.H.A.P.E, "Use your mind to think like a servant, your ears to hear like one, your eyes to see like one, your words to speak like one, and your heart to love like one. Bob Pierce, the founder of World Vision and Samaritan's Purse said, "Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God". What are things that breaks the heart of God and that similarly break yours? When you are helping feed the children in the feeding program, you are being the hands and feet of Jesus. God is the greatest example in serving and giving, it is His Nature, He gave his one and only son, Jesus, so that, through faith in Him, we can experience forgiveness for our since and have everlasting life with Him. How can you help? Use your resources to serve or give as a servant. The body never goes where the mind has never been. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as reward. If your mind is set on helping others, then act on that purposes, because it is the Lord that you are serving. Just as Mother Theresa as said, "We can do no great things but only small things with great love". Thank you for your time and reading; from the bottom of our heart, we deeply thank you!

I pray that God will bless and cover you under the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior that has been poured upon the cross for us. I love you all so much, thank you again, God bless! With so much love and respect, @Kemsley on behalf of the YES! Team!

With so much love and respect,

@Kemsley on behalf of the YES! Team!



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