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The New YES! Location

Hello our YES! family,

In January 2022, YES! started to do community service day every Tuesday with our employees. We pick up trash and clean the street around the YES! area. We have had many people stop and talk to us; some say that we are crazy, and some tell us not to give up and congratulate us. It is very good thing to serve others and not to be served. We like to help our community.

I wanted to share the story of how this community service helped us to find our new location for the YES! office. Our old YES! location was located by a Nursing University and, unfortunately, that owner raised the rent to high, so we had to find a new location. However, for one whole year, almost every Tuesday, our employees, and I would pick up a lot of trash by the University. Every Tuesday, the security guard at the Nursing University would watch us do our community service by cleaning the trash and street. When it came time to look for a new location for the YES! office, it was very hard to find a cheaper and safe location. We looked for a couple months for a new location.

The security guard at the university found out that we were looking for a new place for the YES! office. He told the owner of the university that we were looking and shared with the owner all that he watched us do every Tuesday. The owner of the university owns a house in that area, and he wanted to rent it out. However, with all that is going on in Haiti with the insecurities, the owner did not want to rent it too just anyone. The last time he rented his house, he rented it to a pastor who did not take care of it. The owner would have rather not rent it again than to rent it again to someone who would not take care of it. When the owner found out about YES! and all that YES! had been doing for the community and each Tuesday’s work, he decided happily to rent it to us. And that is how we have our new YES! location.

The morale of the story is that people are always watching even when you don’t realize it and helping/serving others/your community is so important.

Thank you for all your help for the children and young adults of Haiti is priceless. Thank you for all you do to serve us in Haiti.

Blessings, Pierre, the YES! manager

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