I will praise you, O Lord
Good day our dear YES! family, Hope this letter finds you well. When Mama Beth asked me to write an article, God laid Psalm 9 on my heart and specifically, Psalms 9:1 which says I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. God has allowed me to have many opportunities this year to love people and to tell of his great wonders. God’s greatest commandment is to love him, our LORD our God with all your heart, with all your soul and the second-best commandment is to Love your neighbors as yourself. Putting God above everything and keeping my eyes on Him is how He has used me to love others well and share of His wonders. God has had so much mercy on me and my life. And in that, I will praise Him, His name will always be on my lips. I am so grateful and thankful to Him for all that he continues to do in my life. I am also so grateful to you for all you continue to do for YES! and for me.
When you love Him with all your heart and staying on the path that He has drawn for you, He’ll bless you abundantly.
Thank you again for all you do! God Bless YOU! Blessings, JP
