CHRISTMAS, a time of celebration and JOY!

The Christmas theme first appeared in the 12th century; it derives from the Latin “Natalis Dies” meaning day of birth. Christmas is the Christian holiday that celebrate the nativity, the celebration that recalls the birth of Jesus Christ our savior. It is a period of joy, sharing, contentment, and cheerfulness. A celebration that reminds us of what Jesus our Lord left us as a heritage, as divine instruction, to share what we have with our brothers and sisters.
For God didn’t send his son into the world to judge the word, but that the world mighty be saved through him. The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love and humility. The true story of Christmas is the story of GOD becoming human in the person of Jesus Christ. Thus, to transmit the true magic of Christmas to children, which is none other than simplicity, love, sharing and the happiness of being together for this divine celebration.
For this, we launch directly into sharing by visiting our YES! feeding program children and bringing them gifts such as jerseys, Christmas hats, homework, previsions, and many other things that the children ask for from us. We thank the sponsors that provided the funds for us to be able to do this Christmas surprise this year. These moments are very fascinating because the children loved the gifts, we saw the joy of life in their eyes, the atmosphere was very warm. And, for us, the YES! employees, we celebrated it in the first week of December by going to the swimming pool and ate dinner together. It was so fun, everybody enjoyed it. We thank the sponsor that provided this gift to us and to the YES! board that helped to make it happen.

The YES! team teaches our children to love each other and the spirit of Christmas. We teach them to share with each other, to play nice with others, and the teams make sure that they respect the wishes of Christmas.
Finally, Christmas, Christmas is an abbreviated form of the mass of Christ, it is a time of spiritual reflection on the important foundations of the Christian faith. It is also a religious and cultural holiday; it is the time when Christians celebrate the LOVE of GOD for the world through the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is important to explain to children that Christmasis a time of joy, sharing, and celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.We thank each of you for all you have done for the children and people of Haiti. Thank you forhelping us to continue shine hope and joy in this country.
Merry Christmas! Jwaye Nwèl!
With Love, The YES! staff
