Answered Prayer!
Good day friends, how are you? I want to tell you about how God answered my prayers. First, I thank God for answering our prayer. God provided me what I was looking for, what I needed, and I found it. I have been praying and looking for so long. I have found a job! Praise the Lord! Even though I am a little sad because I will be far away from my family, friends, and my home but I will have a new life, a new step, and a new era. YES! really helped me to be independent, even though that was very hard from coming out of the orphanage. They helped me to start again a new life. As I have said before, I put in my resume to multiple places for many of months. And then I talked with one of my uncles about me trying to find a job. My uncle is from an undisclosed city. My uncle also had me give him a resume so he could put it in businesses there. I am now living there and working as a waitress. Thank you, God. And thank you for your prayers. And thank you, YES!
*For safety reason we have left the name of the city out.

Love you, Djoude