Be a Witness of Christ Jesus!

I would like to thank God for His grace and mercy that has been shown on the cross through Christ my Lord Jesus, my Savior, for saving me from the wrath of God and the Holy-Spirit for being my counselor through my everlasting Lord Jesus Christ.
Be a witness of Christ is what I feel inspired to write about this time. Let me tell a brief overview of why I felt inspired to write about “Be a Witness of Christ”. It was 5 months ago when I was one of nine to be chosen by the school of where I was employed to go to
a seminary to in northern Haiti. The seminary was mostly about how we can integrate God in the lesson when we are teaching students and while we were teaching. It was also about compare and contrast the differences between the humanism philosophy and our philosophy as Christian which is “Jesus Crucified and how he rose from death”. Which is an absolute truth. For example, humanism philosophy describes human being as the supreme Authority. From my point of view as a Christian, I believe that belief is a complete aspersion and a slander. Romain 13 Paul was inspired to say “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The Authority that existed has been established by God.” So, are we in the world or not? I guess we are, basically how can human being be the supreme authority?
I feel like the world is devastated, grievances, bitterness, hatred are taking place, lust, false truth, trust is mendacious, pride, ungratefulness, selfishness is prioritizing, war’s is in a continuity stages, end of the world approaching and Jesus is coming!
First, I would like to ask some questions that people are asking as a routine in their daily life, believer nor nonbelievers. Questions like; Why do I need to be a witness of Christ? What is the wrath of God? Was I there when Jesus came? What if that is an aspersion? What if there’s neither Hell nor Heaven? Every time, seconds, minutes, hours and days there are many people who will die without Christ. These people will spend eternity in Hell without no doubt, in the book of John 3:36, scripture clearly says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” What is the wrath of God? The Wrath of God is not something enjoyable, it is not lovable; it is not joyous, it is where in Revelation 16 states, “Seven angels are given seven bowls of God's wrath, each consisting of judgements full of the wrath of God. These seven bowls of God's wrath are poured out on the wicked and the followers of the Antichrist after the sounding of the seven trumpets”. The wrath of God is Suffering construed as divine retribution. You chose to be a witness of Christ to prevent your friends, colleagues, family, teammates, sons and daughters not to be under God’s wrath.

Being an ambassador of Christ is not a choice as Christians, it’s an obligation, because once we have chosen to follow Christ, our mission is to spread the Gospel around the Universe. For if we denied his name before man, He also will be ashamed of us before the Father. It is literally true that not one of us were there when Jesus came. In John 20, Thomas had no creed in the resurrection of Jesus, even though he was one of the twelve disciples, he was close to Jesus, he watched Jesus be crucified and died on the cross. Even though he was there and failed, Thomas said; “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Thomas had a firm conviction that if he doesn’t see these things as proof, there’s no way for him to believe that Jesus is resurrected. So, Jesus had an obligation to reveal himself to Thomas in order for Thomas to believe. Do have you have an idea why Jesus had to be transparent to Thomas? It was not because he wanted Thomas to believe, however, it was because Jesus’s purpose is for us to be saved and meanwhile there’s no way to be saved without believing. So, Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”In verse 28, Thomas finally said to him, “My Lord and my God!” And in verse 29, Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” There are huge blessings for us who believe in Jesus even though we were not actually there when Jesus, the Messiah, came back from the dead. This has to be the greatest event in history that the world ever known until this very age. As Christian there’s a great chance that if you are moving toward God, someone is following you. Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”

In Ezekiel 2: 3-9 God has reminded Ezekiel not to fear the words of his enemies, but to SPEARK HIS WORDS TO ALL. Whether they listen or are touched or fail to listen, for they are a rebellious house, they are rebellious people, they are obstinate and stubborn, amen, whether they listen or fail to listen God’s words most be spoken. As Christian our mission is to know Christ and to make him be known, they will know a prophet has been among them, I feel like they will know a witness of Christ have been among them. In verse 8 God told Ezekiel not to be Rebel just like that rebellious house. I feel like God is telling you not to be rebellious just like the world out there, but to open your HEART, your MIND, your SPIRIT, your SOUL and eat what he gives You, Alleluia. It is not on our power, responsibility or possibility to persuaded them to believe, but however we need and must plant the seed, spread the gospel around the world and at the end it is God’s responsibility to make it grow. It is God’s mighty hand to water it and makes it bear fruits. In the prospective reality of life, many people want to be kings, popular, famous, like by million and followed by thousands but only one king left all of this behind. And became Man to save humanity from God’s wrath. His name is above all names, above all powers, above all kings, above all wonders, above all treasures of this earth and his name is Jesus.Even though you might be afraid of evangelizing to the unbeliever, Muslim, or Jehovah. God says, “Whether they listen or fail to listen, “SPEAK HIS WORDS TO ALL”. Imagine how much worse it will be if they die without been grateful for the blood of the lamb that been shaded on the cross and putting their faith in Him alone. You, me and all of us have chance to tell them. Would a good doctor ever not tell someone they’re dying of cancer because they’re afraid to give them bad news? Most unbelievers think they’re going to Heaven. Let us not be like most Christians and close our mouth. Let’s Preach, Preach and Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just as God wants everyone to be saved, as Christian, Follower of Christ Jesus, let’s not wish anyone miss out on the chance to take part in the greatest story in History that has been and yet to be when our Savior return.
Over the last 5 months, God has also been showing me how I can use my talents from Him to embrace the mission that He has in store for my life. I feel charged to help people understand their hurts, their past and their frustrations and turn them into good. I feel led to mentor, encourage and counsel young adults and my people of Haiti. I feel very led to go to University to become a Psychology/Counseling to help my people. I ask you to please join in with me to pray for God to open the right doors for me to go to University in Haiti and the finances to go. And would you also pray about supporting me to go? I so thank you in advance. I pray that God will strengthen every heart, mind, sprit and soul to share the gospel to future generations. Until HE Comes. God bless you. @ Kemsley