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If it is on your heart to donate to help YES! raise leaders, help prevent children from going into the orphanages, and help change the country of Haiti, we would love for you to partner with us.


You can donate by:

  • Clicking on the donate button below on this page takes you to the YES! PayPal

  • Through

  • Venmo @YES-Haititeens 

  • Sending a check to YES! PO Box 221 Golden, CO 80402

Please know that 100% of your gift goes directly towards our young adults, our feeding program students, and the mission of YES!  All board members of YES! volunteer their time and take no salary from your donation.


Your contribution will help these teens and many more become who God wants them to be and promote the development of local Christian leaders and services.

YES! is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization committed to full transparency. All donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law.

God Bless you!!!



How You Can Help:

1. Pray

2. Scholarship

3. Young Adult Mentorship

4. Feeding Program


There is so much power in prayer. When you don't know what to do, pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; give thanks in all circumstance; for this is the will of God in Christ for you. Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

One of the biggest things we are asking is to pray daily. These are very critical years and even more so days/hours for these teens, as you know, there is a battle going on for each one of their hearts. In these years, they are getting to make choices and these choices will affect the rest of their lives. It has been on our hearts so much to pray that God would keep them all from temptation and deliver them from evil, daily. We are asking all of our sponsors to pray this daily for their teens and each day they would make the right choices.

Become a prayer partner and join in receiving the YES! email updates with prayer request by sending an email to


Scholarship for young adults: 

We feel that this aspect of having a family is an important part of healing and helping them transition into their adult lives. We are doing everything we can to help empower them as they make this transition from orphanage life to the real world of Haiti.  

A full-time scholarship is $200 per month. A shared scholarship is $100 per month. With a shared scholarship, we will match you up with another person. This scholarship helps the teens with food assistance, education, occasional transportation and clothes. 

Meal scholarship is for those teens that only need financial assistance with food, occasional transportation and clothes. A meal scholarship is $65 per month.

All scholarships can be paid monthly, quarterly or yearly.

Young Adult Mentorship:

YES! young adult help mentor younger teens in other orphanages to begin the transition process. Help the YES! young adults mentor and train other teens by giving $40 per month.

Feeding Program:

• Established in 2020, we currently serve 65 children.

• Due to the ongoing crisis in Haiti and gang activity, we’ve adapted our approach to support students and families in Port-au-Prince by meeting them at their home or the children and family come into the YES! office.

• Each month, YES! staff provide small funds for food and water to help provide for the family.

• Staff review the previous month’s homework and introduce new lessons in Math, English, French, and Science. Bible stories are included as part of the curriculum.

• Students receive candy as a reward for completing homework and additional candy for achieving good grades.

• Staff typically visit 3-5 families a couple times a week, depending on distance, the situation of the country, and time constraints.

• Lessons are developed in our YES! staff and tailored to each child's grade level. Manager, Pierre, and Assistant Manager, Sonido, ensure homework is appropriately aligned with grade-level standards.

• We aspire to return to our original program model when conditions in Haiti improve.

Any amount of money helps us run our feeding program. We suggest $50 per month which would help about 5 families.  


Our goal is to help take some of the burdens off the families to help keep them together. Many parents start to look at placing a child in an orphanage when they can't feed them. After seeing and experiencing the hard effects of children living in orphanages and even more after they are released at 18, the YES! goal is to help keep them together as we know that at least 80% of all children living in an orphanage have a living mom, dad, or both. 


Will you please pray about helping us feed children in need and keep families together.  


YES! is now part of Colorado Gives. is a year-round online giving website for giving. You can click here to give through ColoradoGives. It is also the platform for Colorado Gives Day. Colorado Gives Day, taking place on December 10th this year, is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. 

YES! has been added to the JetLi Transfer website. You can now shop online and use YES! organization as a recipient. Instead of donating money, you can donate food to YES! for our feeding program and our young adults. You can do this by clicking "donate to our local trusted partners" and then selecting YES! at check out:

© 2024 YES! All Rights Reserved.

Email us at:

Find us: 

State-side office: PO BOX 221, Golden, Co 80402

In Haiti: Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

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