August YES! Prayer Calendar
Hi YES! family/friends: Please join us in praying for 31 days from August 1st-31st for Haiti. Our prayer requests come from our YES!...

My Haitian and American Stories Merge To Nurture God’s Plan For My Life
Good day dear friends and family, Today I want to share with you about my life experiences. I have been busy working on scholarships to...

Be a Witness of Christ Jesus!
I would like to thank God for His grace and mercy that has been shown on the cross through Christ my Lord Jesus, my Savior, for saving me...

Positivity and Love
Hi dear YES! friends, Today I would like to share with you about what Christmas means to me. Since I been growing up, I heard about this...

YES! Pray Calendar
Please join us in praying for 31 days from November 10 to December 10 for Haiti. Most of our prayer requests come from our YES! young...

My story and how it lead me to the YES! mentoring position
Good day Ladies and Gentlemen, Today I want to share with you about my life experience; from my life in the orphanage to the transition...

New Partnerships with Like-Minded Organizations
This trip to Haiti was unlike all my others. I always look forward to spending quality time with our young adults. We cook together and...

Message from Dan
I have watched YES! love, encourage and support these young adults for three years. I have personally known these teens since they were...

Amazing Trip To Haiti
When going into a different country you never know what to expect. This was my very first missions trip in my life. I was nervous going...

Surrounded By What Is Important
Traveling into a country and a culture drastically different from your own has such a tremendous impact on your mind, heart and soul. We...